Adventures as a pretend attorney

Monday, August 13, 2007


And here it is, my last night in San Diego.

It's uncommonly hot and I'm sticky from packing all day, but still I'm tearing at having to go. It's been a long, eventful summer, and I thank you for sharing it with me. The blog will be closed after my return to Boston, so I'll take the opportunity now to mention a few good people who have helped me along:

In no particular order,

The Captain, who despite talking with me almost everyday, still read the blog.
Jenski, who wins The Most Active Reader award.
Elite Racer and the Abstract Concept, who checked in with me every so often to make sure I didn't spend all my spare time blogging.
The Bride, who loves dessert just as much as I love dessert.
Tiggsy, who made my blog a part of her morning routine.
Humble 'bee, who read every entry but didn't let on until the very end.
Good Neighbor, without whom I might have gone a little crazy at work. I will miss his wicked sense of humor, his wife's tremendous tenderness, and their sons' unreasonable cuteness.
Ms. J, with whom I will get together at Cabot's where I will tell her everything that didn't make the blog.
Boababa, who taught me to tango.
LRev, who warned me against not being cool enough.
Munch, who said my writing made her laugh.
Big Mo, who made me laugh.
Red Beard, because he, as I have said before, is the last great hope of the Republic.
Samir Santiago, who put me in touch with the managing partner's daughter.
First and Second Roomies, who got me back in touch with my Asian side.
Coolpeople, who have their own companion blog and who have supplied me with plenty of summer photos.
Wicked Cool New Bostonian, who swapped places with me and has kept me up to date on his new adventures in Beantown.
Yalie, whom I never have mentioned before but who talked me through many a confusing situation at work.
Ms. Mentor, whom I also never have mentioned before but who called me every week to see how I was doing.
Little Sis, who blogged before me and who will blog after me.

Thanks for holding my hand. I'll be in touch.

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